Creative industries stimulate the development of a modern innovative economy, which necessitates the quality training of professionals in the field of creative industries – highly qualified, creative, self-motivated , nationally conscious, civically active, and socially responsible. Future performing artists, provided their development of professional, digital, entrepreneurial, and other competencies crucial for the post-war recovery of Ukraine, will be able to make a significant contribution to the sustainable development of society. To ensure a comprehensive vision of the development of entrepreneurial competence among future performing artists, the method of theoretical modeling was applied. Therefore, the article theoretically justifies a model for developing entrepreneurial competence future performing artists in vocational colleges, which consists of four interconnected blocks (perspective and target, theoretical and methodological, content and process, control and result). The result of implementing this model is the justification of conditions necessary for improving the training of future performing artists for entrepreneurship. Future artists should be capable of independently managing their lives and careers, able to enter the labor market as employees or self-employed individuals, and also to establish their own business with a cultural direction. A promising direction of research is the development of a methodology for the development of entrepreneurial competence future performing artists, which includes describing a set of relevant methods, systems of techniques and methods.
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