The relevance of the chosen topic is defined in the article. The essence of the concept of HR-management and personnel management is considered. The main differences in the application of HR-management and personnel management are studied. The scientific approaches to consider the elements of the personnel management system are defined. The values of personnel management are considered. The main components of personnel management in war conditions are studied. The functions of personnel management are defined. Challenges that arise in the personnel management system in connection with the beginning of military operations on the territory of Ukraine are considered. The dynamics of changes in the volume of average monthly salaries of employees and the level of unemployment in Ukraine are studied. According to the results of the review of the considered indicators trends changing, it`s possible to confirm that there is a multidirectional change in the average monthly salaries of employees and the unemployment rate in Ukraine. The importance of providing support to personnel who continues to work despite all the difficulties that arise today and may arise in the future is determined. The experience of remote control of the company`s personnel in the war conditions to ensure work efficiency and safety of employees is studied. A set of measures, aimed at supporting personnel in war conditions, are developed. The results of the conducted research are summarized and the prospects for continuing the research on the chosen topic are avaluated.
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