The article is devoted to the problem of the influence of military actions in Ukraine on the speech development of preschool children. In the countries where military operations are conducted, there are a large number of children with disorders of speech development who need special conditions of education and upbringing. Today, the issue of providing special assistance to such children is very relevant. The analysis of the practice of special education shows that insufficient attention is paid to the implementation of the use of correctional and developmental methods, therefore the need to study the theoretical and experimental features of innovative correctional and developmental methods, the psychological and pedagogical significance of the given problem determined the choice of the research topic. The problems of identifying the potential opportunities of such children, adapting them to life acquire great social significance. The article highlights the problem that at the time of active military operations in Ukraine, practicing teachers feel a lack of potential opportunities to overcome educational losses among children. In this regard, it is necessary to develop and use innovative methods and comprehensive works covering all spheres of the child's personality. In special pedagogy, there is an active search for the safest and most optimal conditions for the organization of an educational and corrective and developmental environment for all children. The article also highlights the priority areas of correctional work with children with speech disorders, which is a prerequisite for effective speech therapy work under martial law.
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