The article examines the features of the component structure and internal relationships in the English-language framework TRADE. According to M. Minsky, we understand the frame as a structure that represents stereotyped knowledge and expectations that allow the system to ensure internal consistency. In linguistics, this manifests itself in the fact that the meaning of a single word requires access to all the basic knowledge associated with that word. For example, understanding the word sell requires knowledge of the commercial transfer situation, which includes the seller, buyer, goods, money, and their relationships. In this sense, it is the perspective that is important: from the buyer’s point of view, the trading process is a purchase, while from the seller’s point of view, it is a sale. The article analyzes the possibilities of applying different perspectives to reveal the internal structure of the TRADE frame and the relational arcs between its components. The formation of the frame occurs due to the combination of propositions that determine the relationship between its components. A proposition as a basic structure of knowledge representation has a logical subject (the target concept) and a logical predicate (a feature attributed to the subject). The construction of propositions within the frame is carried out through the functioning of the basic propositional frames, which enable the coherence of its cognitive content.
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