Keywords: leadership competencies, educational process, mentoring, practical experience, self-management.


The war requires changes in the approaches to the training of military leaders. The article proposes a model for the formation of leadership qualities of future officers, leaders of the new generation, in higher educational institutions. It is based on the value-competency approach to military leadership. The formation of leadership behavior, according to the authors, is achieved through the observance of values, the formation and development of professional and personal competences, and the acquisition of experience. The basis of this model consists of interrelated blocks: educational process, practical experience, mentoring, self-management. The authors emphasize that the new military culture of leadership must be based on national culture and universal human values. The formation of a new style of military leadership takes place in the process of transformation of professional culture based on Euro-Atlantic principles, using the experience of combat operations, training methods, NATO principles and standards. The article describes the formation of leadership competencies of cadets during the educational process. The important place of this formation is given to problematization and reflection of training. Attention is drawn to the fact that the combat experience of servicemen acquired in battles with the Russian aggressor is included in the content part of educational disciplines, when developing cases, situational tasks, and exercises. When gaining practical experience in the process of everyday activities, internships in command positions, cadets develop organizational and communication skills, taking responsibility for management decisions, such qualities as: stress resistance, initiative, creativity, humanity, determination, ambition, mobility are manifested. Mentoring is considered as an element of the transfering of positive life, military, combat experience, which allows cadets to form their life position. An important place in the development of modern leaders is occupied by cadet selfgovernment and self-development, which is designed to teach cadets to achieve their goals, and enables them to feel themselves active participants in management. The implementation of this model must ensure a continuous process of formation, development and self-improvement of military leaders based on values, professional and personal competencies.


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How to Cite
Krylenko, I., & Bohdan, A. (2024). FORMATION A NEW GENERATION OF MILITARY LEADERS IN HIGHER MILITARY EDUCATIONAL ESTABLISHMENTS. Scientific Journal of Polonia University, 64(3), 172-179.