The article explores the fundamental principles of work for a crisis counseling psychologist operating within the humanistic-existential paradigm, namely: social determinism, freedom of choice and personal responsibility, congruence, individual approach, contracted activity, empathetic non-judgmental attitude towards the client. In the intervention process, the psychologist can exert only temporary influence on the client's personality, mediated by the power of ideas, beliefs, and a certain level of social maturity. Caution and “ecology,” adhering to certain boundaries are emphasized, with balance being a sign of the psychologist's professionalism and skill. It is noted that neurotic disruptions in the behavior of a crisis client are often caused by prolonged experiences of loneliness, alienation, helplessness, and a sense of constant danger. It is determined that when assisting such individuals, it is crucial to convince them of their personal significance and value to others or at least to a few people, by expressing warmth, sensitivity, empathy, and tolerance. The importance of being able to activate the inner resources of a deprived person, instilling belief in goodness and people, is discussed. However, it is essential to remember that such persons find it challenging to part with a person who understands and accepts them as they truly are. The psychologist must ensure the formation of a reference group to avoid traumatizing the lonely personality with their disappearance or detachment and confirm the fulfillment of the contract conditions. It is established that the structure of professional humanism primarily includes empathy (as the ability to feel and empathize), tolerance for the existence of other views and positions, optimism (faith in the significance and perspective of psychological assistance), flexibility, and balance in choosing means of influence, as well as reflection on one's abilities. The value of an individual's life, openness, and integrity become the main guidelines in the professional activities of a counseling psychologist. The importance of the psychologist's orientation towards creativity in contemporary practice is emphasized, manifested through independence in judgments, open mind, high tolerance for complex and ambiguous situations, a developed desire to explore the beautiful, and the ability to experience a wide range of feelings and social maturity.
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