Keywords: speech disorder, phonetics, grammatical structure of speech, development of dialogic speech, hypersensitive phase.


The article considers the periods of vocabulary development in preschool children. In particular, it is stated that the period of the fastest vocabulary enrichment is preschool age. The article presents data from various researchers on the number of words used by children of different age categories. Based on A. Bogush’s research, it is stated that children begin to understand speech from three months of age, and examples of individual words uttered by a child up to the age of nine to ten months are given. Hypersensitive phases are presented in the article, in particular, the first phase is characterized by the accumulation of the first words, the second by the improvement of phonetic speech, the assimilation of the grammatical structure of speech, the development of dialogic speech, and the third by the formation of contextual speech, that is, the independent creation of a text. By the age of six, a child must correctly pronounce all the sounds of his native language and have a sufficient active vocabulary as well as practically master the grammatical structure of the language. It is noted that, despite the given statistical data, there are some discrepancies regarding the absolute composition of the vocabulary and its growth, which may be related to the physiological characteristics of the child or the environment that surrounds the child. It is determined that in the general system of language work in preschool education, vocabulary enrichment, consolidation and activation occupy a leading place.


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How to Cite
Khrypun, D. (2024). VOCABULARY DEVELOPMENT IN THE PROCESS OF ONTOGENETIC DEVELOPMENT OF THE CHILD. Scientific Journal of Polonia University, 64(3), 212-216. https://doi.org/10.23856/6427