• Elena Shelukhina North-Caucasus Federal University
Keywords: economic sustainable development, business unit, capital, balance microeconomic model


The article is devoted to economic sustainability concept and to peculiarities of its application to business units functioning. It`s proving in the work, that combination of interests is a necessary feature in the process of economic sustainability increasing and growth of profit, oriented to formation of capital, considerable for declaring at integrated reporting. The author grounds the necessity of balance microeconomic models usage, based on the identification of tendency of interaction and interdependence in the development of economic, social and environmental processes, happening during business units activities and effective management decisions making in the field of economic sustainability concept development.

Author Biography

Elena Shelukhina, North-Caucasus Federal University
Associate Professor PhD


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How to Cite
Shelukhina, E. (2017). BUSINESS UNITS’ ECONOMIC SUSTAINABILITY AND ITS ADAPTIVE PECULIARITIES. Scientific Journal of Polonia University, 21(2), 38-44.