The presence of protective structures in the immediate vicinity of residential buildings where people live provides an additional opportunity for the civilian population to hide during rocket attacks. In this regard, it is very important to design storage facilities in such a way that the evacuation time of the population does not exceed four minutes. The purpose of this article is the analysis of world examples of the construction of protective structures and the implementation of this experience in the construction of new residential buildings in Ukraine. The article provides a general description of protective structures according to Ukrainian regulatory documents. The main requirements for the location of protective structures in the urban development are presented. The advantages and disadvantages of the presence of protective structures in the countries of the world are determined. Recommendations are provided for the construction of houses with the location of protective rooms in residential buildings. The principle scheme of a high-rise building resistant to destruction and the creation of a protected space in it is proposed. A SWOT analysis of the location of protective premises in residential buildings is presented.
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