In the article, the author analyzed the pedagogical conditions for the formation of foreign language communicative competences in institutions of professional pre-higher education in the process of teaching students of 121 program subject area – Software Engineering. During the study, a comprehensive approach was used, including a deep analysis of psychological and pedagogical literature: the study of scientific papers, articles and other sources of information on the topic under study. Analytical work with information sources: synthesis and systematization of acquired knowledge, clear formulation of key concepts and aspects of the topic. It has been established that modern employers expect software engineering professionals to have not only deep technical knowledge but also a high level of English language proficiency. This includes the ability to work with English-language technical documentation, communicate effectively in international projects, and write professional documentation in English. This is especially true for professionals studying at institutions of professional pre-higher education. Foreign language training should be aimed at developing the communication competencies necessary to work effectively in an international environment. The author identifies the main pedagogical conditions, in particular, the formation of motivation in future IT specialists to learn foreign languages; systematic use of digital interactive technologies as a means of forming foreign language communicative competences; creation of professionally oriented teaching and methodological support (in particular, workbooks in in English for professional purposes for each semester); readiness of foreign language teachers to use professionally oriented teaching and methodological support.
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