Keywords: Azerbaijan literature, Vagif Sultanli, the theme of the age, pandemic literature, artistic description.


Old age is one of the most discussed topics in literature, like death, love and separation. In the literature of almost all peoples, to say old, orator means an experienced person. In fiction, respect for old people, white hair, and white beard is preached, trust in their experience, and criticism of disrespect for them is inculcated. The best example of this in Azerbaijani literature is the monument “Kitabi-Dede Gorgud”. In the literature of the peoples of the world, in the works of Ernest Hemingway, Victor Hugo, Leo Tolstoy, Necip Fazil Kisakurek and others, we are faced with descriptions of the sometimes bitter and sometimes proud aspects of this topic. However, in the era of modernization, decelerating family ties, the spread of the desire for individualization among both young and old people weakened social policy, limited the possibilities of the weaker sections of the population. ` In the stories of Vagif Sultanlı, we will explore the theme of illness and loneliness, which tests not only themselves, but also their children, of this “powerless” class. The object of our research is the stories “Xiffet”, “Seher dumani” and “Kufi Xetti” from Vagif Sultanli's collection “Ters akin”. The subject of the research is the theme of death, loneliness and old age in the writer's stories, and the presentation of these themes. The feelings and pains caused by the Covid 19 pandemic, which makes loneliness felt not only by the elderly, but by all people from children to adults, are presented in the writer's story “Kufi Xetti” through the experience of an elderly person. The story, which shows the resistance of a person who lived to the marrow of loneliness to nature, does not just describe an epidemic, which once again proves that development and science will not work if time comes. Here the struggle of an elderly and especially lonely person with life, with people, with a way of thinking is reflected. When describing elderly people, the writer who chooses an elderly orphan or a parent on a sick bed as an image has increased the emotional load, and has created key points by emphasizing tradition and mentalism in almost every episode.


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How to Cite
Gultekın, I. (2024). THE THEME OF OLD AGE IN THE STORIES BY VAGIF SULTANLI (CASE STUDY THE STORIES “KUFI XETTI”, “XIFFET” AND “SEHER DUMANI”). Scientific Journal of Polonia University, 65(4), 26-32.