Keywords: communicative approach, knowledge, skills, abilities, foreign language communicative competence.


The article examines the issue of developing foreign language communicative competence of students as the primary goal of language learning in the context of professional training of future specialists. It is argued that the most relevant cognitive-linguistic, operational-linguistic and communicative competences for professionally oriented foreign language learning are the ones which enable the use of language as a means of obtaining professionally significant information through reading and participating in oral and written professional communication. The views of domestic and foreign scholars regarding the definition of foreign language communicative competence and its component structure are analyzed. All components of foreign language communicative competence are interrelated and interdependent, forming a complex, holistic, systematic, and structured entity. The process of foreign language learning should be aimed at the gradual cultivation of foreign language communicative competence components, using the most effective teaching forms, methods and tools. The forms, methods and tools for conducting productive classes are highlighted as those focused on activating cognitive activity, developing foreign language communicative competence, overcoming language, speech and socio-cultural communication difficulties. Attention is drawn to the expediency of using innovative teaching methods such as role-playing games, discussions, project-based methods, quests, as they are person-centered and create conditions for the enhancement of students' creative thinking and provide a good opportunity to acquire and apply foreign language knowledge due to the emergence of internal motivation. The research results in the context of future specialists' motivation to master foreign language communication skills and abilities are presented.


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How to Cite
Ivanova, I. (2024). WAYS OF IMPROVING FOREIGN LANGUAGE COMMUNICATION DURING STUDENTS’ PROFESSIONAL TRAINING. Scientific Journal of Polonia University, 65(4), 38-45. https://doi.org/10.23856/6505