The article is an attempt to develop in-depth ideas about the value of ‘health’ in the phraseology of the English language. Health is positioned as an important fragment of the value picture of the English world, which is reflected in the corresponding phraseological units of English with health / illness semantics. The study is the first to carry out a thematic and ideographic modelling of the value of ‘health’ in English phraseology based on the International Classification of Functioning, Disability and Health. The scientific novelty of the study is due to the fact that for the first time the International Classification of Functioning, Disability and Health (hereinafter referred to as ICF) has been used for the linguistic study of the value of ‘health’ (based on the material of English phraseology). The ICF is a multi-purpose classification intended for interdisciplinary use and aims to: a) provide a scientific basis for understanding and studying health and health-related conditions, their consequences and determinants; b) introduce a common language for describing health and health-related conditions in order to improve mutual understanding between different users (e.g, health and social care workers, researchers, administrators and the public, etc.); c) ensuring the possibility of comparing information data from different countries, areas of health care, etc.); d) developing a systematic coding scheme for health information systems. It is important to note that the unit of classification is a category in health domains (e.g., vision, hearing, walking, learning and remembering, etc.) and health-related domains (e.g., transportation, education and social interaction, etc.). The ICF describes an individual’s situation within a number of health and health-related domains, based on the context of environmental and personal factors.
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