Emotion is a mental reflection in the form of a direct biased experience of the content of life phenomena and situations, caused by the relation of their objective properties to the needs of the subject. Emotions are essential components of life activity, a powerful means of activating the sensory and perceptual activity of the individual. In the theory of activity, they are defined as a reflection of the relationship between the result of an activity and its motive. If the activity is successful in terms of the motive, positive emotions (interest, satisfaction) arise, and if it is unsuccessful, negative emotions arise. Emotions arise only in connection with events or results of actions that are related to motives. The highest product of the development of human emotions is strong feelings for objects that meet one’s highest needs. A strong, absolutely dominant feeling is called passion. Events signalling possible changes in a person’s life, along with specific emotions, can cause changes in the general emotional background – mood. The attitude to the reflected phenomena as the main property of emotions is presented: 1) in their qualitative characteristics, which include: a) sign – positive, negative; b) modality – anger, contempt, embarrassment, guilt, interest, sadness, surprise, disgust, pleasure, fear, shame; 2) in the dynamics of the course of emotions themselves – duration, intensity, etc.; 3) in the dynamics of external expression of emotions – emotional expression – in facial expressions, speech, pantomime.
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