Due to military actions, there is destruction of Ukraine's ecosystems, deterioration of sanitary and hygienic indicators of drinking water, air, and soil. With the onset of full-scale war, the negative impact of harmful and dangerous substances (the use of chemical, phosphorus bombs, and other weapons) prohibited by the Geneva Convention leads to unforeseen consequences for the environment of Ukraine. The purpose of the study is to analyze injuries resulting from the action of white phosphorus of various types of phosphorus weapons, namely explosive weapons with a wide area of effect, mines, ammunition, long-range missiles; artillery, mortar shells, various types of grenades in the conditions of russian aggression against Ukraine. The following methods were used in the work: content analysis, comparative analysis, and systematization of the researched material. Research of scientific publications by domestic and foreign scientists using the PubMed and Google Scholar databases for the period 2001-2023 was conducted. Phosphorus munitions such as WP are known for their high effectiveness in combat operations, but also lead to serious injuries, both traumatic and post-traumatic psychological changes. White phosphorus (explosive bombs) causes burns of human body tissues upon contact with burning material, as well as burns of the upper respiratory tract due to inhalation of smoke or gases emitted during combustion. The article analyzes the regulatory framework prohibiting the use of phosphorus munitions in armed conflicts. Clinical cases of gunshot combined injuries of limbs with massive soft tissue defects, gunshot fractures, and the presence of multiple foreign bodies of metal density due to the use of phosphorus munitions are considered. An analysis of scientific research by foreign scientists on this issue was conducted. The article provides algorithms for providing first aid due to the action of phosphorus munitions, as well as methodological recommendations of the Ministry of Health of Ukraine (Order of the Ministry of Health of Ukraine No. 506 of March 20, 2022) for providing medical assistance at the prehospital stage in case of phosphorus munition injuries, burns, enteral poisoning, exposure to white phosphorus in the eyes.
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