Keywords: “Lisova Pisnia” by Lesia Ukraїnka, “The Epic of Gilgamesh”, the “Ashurbanipal effect”, Lesia Ukraїnka studies, oriental code


Despite the considerable corpus of scholarly publications addressing to genius Lesia Ukraїnka’s legacy, we are far from the global multifaceted comprehension of her phenomenon. The article presents a new interpretation of “Lisova Pisnia” by Lesia Ukraїnka through the prism of oriental aesthetics (code), which goes through the life and oeuvre of the poetess, made on the base of the systematic method of research, which includes such modern methods of literary analysis as: contact technique in combination with the biographical method; the parallel method, in particular in the study of literary analogies and contrasts in the literatures of different continents and eras (“Lisova Pisnia” by Lesia Ukraїnka and “The Epic of Gilgamesh”); elements of Freudian psychoanalysis; a hermeneutic and poststructuralist approach (a textual analysis offers many different codes that are at the same time closely intertwined and incomplete); intertextual approach and elements of feminist criticism. The target readership for the article is all the interested in Ukrainian literature and culture in the global context.


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3. Gressmann, H. (1909). Altorientalische Texte zum Alten Testament. Leipzig.
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How to Cite
Skorofatova, A. (2024). ORIENTAL CODE OF “LISOVA PISNIA” BY LESIA UKRAЇNKA. Scientific Journal of Polonia University, 66(5), 73-83. https://doi.org/10.23856/6608