War poetry, beyond its significant self-descriptive component, aims to capture the memory of events, diverse individuals, and comrades, and convey the truth about the war to the broader public. As a result, realistic narrative often prevails over artistic fiction. Truthfulness, historical accuracy, and the clear prioritization in the fight against Russian aggression transform the narratives of war poetry into a crucial elem ent of information warfare. This study explores the role of precedent phenomena as significant transmitters of historical and collective memory within the war poetry of Ukrainian poet Pavlo Vyshebaba. Through a close analysis of Vyshebaba's work, the article examines how references to notable figures and events function not merely as literary devices but as powerful tools for embedding cultural memory and national identity. This exploration situates Vyshebaba’s poetry within a broader framework of cultural semiotics, demonstrating how historical allusions foster a shared consciousness, reinforce collective resilience, and contribute to the evolving narrative of Ukrainian identity amidst contemporary challenges.
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