The article aims to analyze the potential impact of STEAM education on the outcomes of music teacher training. Based on analysis results STEAM education holds significant potential for transforming the outcomes of music teacher training. STEAM encourages a more holistic approach to teaching and learning by integrating the arts with science and technology. Music teachers benefit from this approach as it fosters creativity, critical thinking, and problem-solving skills, all essential in today's rapidly evolving educational landscape. We showed that STEAM equips future music teachers with the technological proficiency necessary to utilize modern tools and digital platforms, making music education more engaging and relevant to students. The interdisciplinary nature of STEAM encourages collaboration and innovation, enabling teachers to connect music with broader concepts in STEM fields. Practical value of analyzing the potential impact of STEAM education on the outcomes of music teacher training lies in understanding new opportunities for improving their professional competencies: it allows for adapting teaching methods to modern technological trends, which is especially important given the rapid development of digital tools and software. Music teachers can introduce innovative forms of instruction, including interactive platforms for creating, recording, and editing music, thereby increasing student motivation; STEAM fosters the ability to integrate interdisciplinary knowledge, promoting flexible thinking in future teachers. Thus, analyzing the impact of STEAM education enables the development of more effective and relevant training programs for music teachers, enhancing the quality of their teaching and their readiness to meet the challenges of modern education.
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