The paper aims to substantiate the pedagogical conditions for forming schoolchildren’s aesthetic taste through dance. The results are based on the analysis and identified the following pedagogical conditions that ensure the optimization of this pedagogical activity: motiving the heads of dance studios to pedagogical activities that ensure the consistent formation of the aesthetic taste of schoolchildren, through the creation of a positive trusting hedonistically directed aesthetic atmosphere of dance training; enrichment of the aesthetic thesaurus of schoolchildren through video lectures; development of creative abilities of schoolchildren through improvisation, staging dances, and participation in concert activities. Practical value of the work is manifested in the comprehensive support of students' personal and creative development: a positive atmosphere promotes the emotional involvement of students in the learning process, and increases their interest in dance and aesthetic values; a comfortable environment allows students to express themselves more easily through dance and perceive art more openly; harmonious atmosphere allows students to naturally form aesthetic priorities, understand the beauty of movements and harmony; improvisation and independent dance choreography contribute to the development of individual creative initiative and self-expression, which directly affects aesthetic taste; Participation in concerts allows students to evaluate their own work from the viewer's point of view, receive feedback and thus develop their aesthetic taste in practice; the opportunity to demonstrate their own achievements on stage promotes personal growth, which is an important aspect in the formation of aesthetic culture.
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