The purpose of the research within the scope of the scientific article is to clarify the essence of the model of building a system of local self-government in the Republic of Poland, taking into account the principles of decentralization in view of the use of certain forms of its implementation in Ukraine. To achieve the goal of the research, the following tasks were carried out: clarification of the prerequisites, forms and methods of building a model of the local self-government system in the Republic of Poland, taking into account the observance of the principles of decentralization; carrying out a comparative analysis of the construction of this model in Poland and Ukraine; identifying effective forms of implementation of the principles of decentralization of the model of local self-government in Poland and forecasting the possibility of their implementation in the process of local self-government reform in Ukraine. As a result of the study, it was established that the Polish system of local self-government is characterized by the presence of such a specific mechanism of delegation of power, such as their transfer between local self-government bodies of different levels. Within the framework of this mechanism, the powers of the self-governing bodies of the voivodship can be delegated to the relevant district bodies if necessary. It has been proven that this type of delegation of powers is a completely natural continuation of the principle of subsidiarity, as it is applied in the case when a certain administrative authority is legally assigned to a local self-government body of one level, but can be most effectively implemented by a local self-government body of another level - both higher and lower Ukrainian legislation does not allow such delegation of powers between local self-government bodies of different levels at all. That is why one of the measures of the decentralization reform in Ukraine should be the enshrining in the Law "On Local Self-Government in Ukraine" or in the prospective Municipal Code of Ukraine the provision that local self-government bodies can enter into administrative agreements with each other on the delegation of power and the transfer of necessary for them implementation of financial and (or) material and technical resources.
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