Keywords: civilian firearms, weapons, circulation, legal regulation, control over the circulation of weapons, state control


The aim of the work is investigates and reveals the peculiarities of state and public control in the sphere of control over the circulation of civilian firearms. The methodological basis of legal research is research approaches, general theoretical principles of scientific knowledge, a system of methods and methods. Results is noted that public control is manifested through the activity of public organizations, initiatives and participation of the population in the processes of monitoring and evaluating the actions of the state. State control, in turn, is ensured through the system of legislation, institutions and bodies responsible for licensing, inspections and monitoring of compliance with regulations, including the circulation of firearms. The types of state control were analyzed and characterized, and such types of state control over the circulation of civilian firearms as intra-departmental, inter-departmental and extra-departmental control were distinguished. Based on the analysis of the works of scientists, the concept of state control over the circulation of civilian firearms is defined as the activity of the state-authorized higher and central executive bodies, their territorial bodies within the limits of the powers provided for by law, in order to detect and prevent violations of the requirements of the law by the owners of weapons, business entities, who have a license to carry out business activities in the trade of firearms, in order to protect the rights and legitimate interests of citizens. Conclusions. Having considered the characteristic features and types of state control, we can define the concept of state control over the circulation of civilian firearms as the activity of the state-authorized higher and central bodies of executive power, their territorial bodies within the limits of the powers provided by law, in order to detect and prevent violations of the requirements of the law by the owners of weapons, sub by enterprises that have a license to carry out business activities in the trade of firearms, in order to protect the rights and legitimate interests of citizens.


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How to Cite
Khvostovtsov, S. (2024). STATE AND PUBLIC CONTROL IN THE FIELD OF CIVILIAN FIREARMS CIRCULATION CONTROL. Scientific Journal of Polonia University, 66(5), 163-168.