Keywords: inclusive governance, sustainable financing, data-driven systems, social welfare innovation, public policy, Universal Basic Social Services (UBSS), stakeholder engagement, adaptive public management


The research aims to explore innovative approaches in the public management of social standards development, focusing on the integration of data-driven systems, inclusive governance and sustainable financing to promote fairness, equality and social well-being across diverse global contexts. This study examines the development of social standards as a core element of public management, emphasizing the importance of balancing political negotiation, evidence-based policymaking, and resource management. It highlights how public managers must engage with diverse stakeholders, navigate complex governance structures, and adapt to evolving societal needs to ensure social standards promote fairness, equality, and social well-being. Drawing on global examples such as the Nordic welfare model, Germany’s social insurance system, and innovative programs like Brazil's Bolsa Família, the paper demonstrates the potential of inclusive governance and sustainable financing to enhance social standards. It also proposes the development of an integrated, data-driven social welfare system and a Unive rsal Basic Social Service (UBSS) framework as innovative approaches to make social standards more responsive and adaptable. By leveraging advanced technologies and fostering cross-sector collaboration, these solutions have the potential to transform how governments address current and future challenges, ensuring social standards remain effective in a rapidly changing world.


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How to Cite
Omelyanenko, V., Hordiienko, V., & Nosachenko, O. (2024). PUBLIC MANAGEMENT OF SOCIO-ECONOMIC STANDARTS DEVELOPMENT: INSTITUTIONAL AND INNOVATION DESIGN FRAMEWORK. Scientific Journal of Polonia University, 66(5), 176-186.