The study analyses the theoretical foundations of financial management mechanisms in the social and humanitarian sphere. The financing mechanisms for social and humanitarian efforts in Ukraine are reevaluated using the Kitchenham literature review model. The article reviews studies by scholars on social and humanitarian financing, using sources like Google Scholar, Web of Science, and Scopus. It focuses on Ukrainian researchers to pinpoint future research directions for financing mechanisms in Ukraine's post-war reconstruction. It is noted that many scientific and educational publications provide different definitions of financial mechanisms, financial governance and management in the social and humanitarian spheres. These definitions are not contradictory, but demonstrate different views on the importance of different elements. The study suggests that a review of current research achievements and best practices can highlight key areas for further research on financial mechanisms in public administration of Ukraine's social and humanitarian sectors in the post-war reconstruction period. It emphasizes the importance of focusing on social and human factors, improving public administration and developing concepts for improving the quality of public services.
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