Keywords: complex sentence, subordinate complex sentence, main sentence, attributive clause, unions, relative pronouns


The article analyzes the sources of linguistics and the opinions of linguists in connection with the attributive clause in linguistics. Here, at the same time, information is given about those conjunctions that are used in the construction of attributive clauses in German. In particular, it is noted that “the attributive clause, due to its ability to provide extensive information, is compared to other subordinate clauses in terms of its content”. Additionally, the article examines various approaches by linguists to the classification of attributive clauses based on their syntactic structure and semantic content. Attention is also focused on the differences in the use of determinative pronouns in different historical periods, which confirms the dynamism of the language. An important aspect of the study is the analysis of stylistic preferences of linguists in the choice of conjunctions and pronouns, which affects the quality of expression and the accuracy of information in sentences. In addition, the role of context in the interpretation of attributive clauses and their importance for creating a coherent text is discussed. In conclusion, the authors emphasize that further study of attributive clauses may lead to a deeper understanding of their function in language. Thus, the article makes a significant contribution to the study of syntax and semantics in the German language, opening new perspectives for future research.


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How to Cite
Ahmadova, G. (2025). FEATURES OF ATTRIBUTIVE CLAUSES IN GERMAN. Scientific Journal of Polonia University, 67(6), 9-13. https://doi.org/10.23856/6701