The article analyzes the content of Robitnytsia i Domashnia Hospodynya (Female Worker and Housewife), a free supplement to the newspaper Visti, published in Odesa in 1926–1927. The magazine stood out for its feminist orientation and significant focus on fashion, which was atypical for the Soviet press. Among eight issues, 23 publications dedicated to fashion, clothing design, and sewing were documented. The magazine featured diverse genres, including advisory articles, instructions, satirical essays, and advertisements. Special attention was given to European fashion trends, the adaptation of French and British ideas to Soviet life, and the promotion of embroidery as an element of modern attire. The magazine’s content demonstrates a subtle opposition to communist ideology that likely triggered its closure. The article emphasizes the cultural significance of the publication, the role of editor Izrail Khait in popularizing European trends in Ukrainian fashion, and the magazine’s importance in the context of Ukrainization and the development of national fashion. Issues of aesthetics and self-expression through fashion became central to the debate between Soviet ideology and women’s desire for individuality, making the magazine a significant cultural phenomenon in Ukrainian fashion journalism.
2. Chym prykrashaiut sukni [What are dresses decorated with?] (1926). Robitnytsia i domashnia hospodynia, no 1. p.7 [in Ukrainian].
3. Daiu uroky kroiu i shyttia [I give cutting and sewing lessons] (1926). Robitnytsia i domashnia hospodynia, no 2, p.8 [in Ukrainian].
4. Dim i hospodarstvo: rukodillia [Home and household: needlework] (1926). Robitnytsia i domashnia hospodynia, no 7, p.4–5 [in Ukrainian].
5. Do litnoho sezonu – vyshyvka mashynna i ruchna [Machine and hand embroidery for the summer season] (1926). Robitnytsia i domashnia hospodynia, no 1, p.8 [in Ukrainian].
6. Dytiachi vykriiky [Children's sewing patterns] (1927). Robitnytsia i domashnia hospodynia, no 8, p. 10 [in Ukrainian].
7. Dytiachyi kostium [Children's costume] (1927). Robitnytsia i domashnia hospodynia, no 8, p. 11 [in Ukrainian].
8. Kharchuvannia. Kvartyra. Odiah: ruska sorochka dlia khlopchyka [Nutrition. Apartment. Clothing: Ruthenian shirt for a boy] (1926). Robitnytsia i domashnia hospodynia, no 4, pp. 6–7 [in Ukrainian].
9. Koliastruk, O. (2007). Do problemy vzaiemyn bilshovytskoi vlady z intelihentsiieiu u 1920-i rr. [On the problem of relations between the Bolshevik government and the intelligentsia in the 1920s]. Problemy istorii Ukrainy: fakty, sudzhennia, poshuky, issue. 17, pp. 167–173 [in Ukrainian].
10. Koliastruk, O. A. (2006). Do kharakterystyky stanovyshcha odeskoi intelihentsii u 20-i rr. XX st.[On characteristics of the situation of the Odesa intelligentsia in the 20s of the 20th century]. Intelihentsiia i vlada, issue. 8, pp. 118–127 [in Ukrainian].
11. Koliastruk, O.A. (2010). Intelihentsiia USRR v 1920-ti roky: povsiakdenne zhyttia [The intelligentsia of the USSR in the 1920s: everyday life]. Kharkiv. Rarytety Ukrainy [in Ukrainian].
12. Konkurs na zhinochyi kostium [Women's suit contest] (1926). Robitnytsia i domashnia hospodynia, no 3, p. 4 [in Ukrainian].
13. Kursy kroiu i shyttia A.Tostohanovoi [Cutting and sewing courses by A.Tostohanova] (1926). Robitnytsia i domashnia hospodynia, no 7, p. 6 [in Ukrainian].
14. Kursy kroiu i shyttia M.P. Volhinoi [Cutting and sewing courses by M.P. Volhina] (1926). Robitnytsia i domashnia hospodynia, no 4, p. 7 [in Ukrainian].
15. Kutochok kroiu i shyttia: dytiacha bilyzna [Cutting and sewing corner: children's underwear] (1926). Robitnytsia i domashnia hospodynia, no 2, p.6 [in Ukrainian].
16. Kutochok kroiu i shyttia: pantalony dlia dytyny do 2-kh rokiv [Corner of cutting and sewing: pants for a child up to 2 years old] (1926). Robitnytsia i domashnia hospodynia, no 3, p. 2 [in Ukrainian].
17. Kutochok rukodillia: bila vyshyvka [Needlework corner: white embroidery] (1926). Robitnytsia i domashnia hospodynia, no 6, pp. 6–7 [in Ukrainian].
18. Kutok hospodyni: pro kostium [Corner of the hostess: about a costume] (1927). Robitnytsia i domashnia hospodynia, no 1(8), p.7 [in Ukrainian].
19. Labur, O. (2010). «Nova zhinka»: unormovani obrazy zhinky-suspilnytsi i zhinky-trudivnytsi v Radianskii literaturi 1920–1930-kh rokiv [“A new woman”: normalized images of a woman-socialist and a woman-worker in Soviet literature of the 1920s and 1930s]. Henderni aspekty v istorii povsiakdennia. Kraieznavstvo, issue 3, pp. 205–213 [in Ukrainian].
20. Moda dybky [The fashion is crazy] (1926). Robitnytsia i domashnia hospodynia, no 2, p. 6 [in Ukrainian].
21. Mozhna, chy ni: pro kapeliushok, pudru i shovkovi panchokhy [Allowed or not: about a hat, powder and silk stockings] (1927). Robitnytsia i domashnia hospodynia, no 8, p. 7 [in Ukrainian].
22. Novovidkryta shkola kroiu i shyttia [Newly opened cutting and sewing school] (1926). Robitnytsia i domashnia hospodynia, no 1, p. 8 [in Ukrainian].
23. Odezha: pro materialy dlia odiahu [Clothing: about materials for clothing] (1926). Robitnytsia i domashnia hospodynia, no 6. p. 6 [in Ukrainian].
24. Porady hospodyniam-kravchyniam: nastanovy anhliiskoi hospodyni [Advice to housewives-dressmakers: instructions of an English housewife] (1926). Robitnytsia i domashnia hospodynia, no 2, p. 8 [in Ukrainian].
25. Savchenko, V (2010). Problemy pershoi kompanii ukrainizatsii v Odesi 1923–1929 rr. [Problems of the first Ukrainization company in Odesa, 1923–1929]. Pivnichnyi zakhid. Odesyka. Istoryko-kraieznavchyi naukovyi almanakh. issue 10, pp. 75–87 [in Ukrainian].
26. Shkola kroiu i shyttia Shelkovoi [Shelkova school of cutting and sewing] (1926). Robitnytsia i domashnia hospodynia, no 1, p.8 [in Ukrainian].
27. Tkachenko, V.V. (2008). Pokazovi politychni protsesy 20-kh–pochatku 30-kh rokiv KhKh st. ta yikh rol u vynyshchenni ukrainskoi naukovoi intelihentsii [Exemplary political processes of the 20s-early 30s of the 20th century and their role in the extermination of the Ukrainian scientific intelligentsia]. Hileia: zbirnyk naukovykh prats, issue 18, pp. 37–55 [in Ukrainian].
28. Uroky kapeliukhiv [Hat sewing tutorials] (1926). Robitnytsia i domashnia hospodynia, no 1, p. 8 [in Ukrainian].
29. Yak samii vykroity rukav [How to cut a sleeve yourself] (1926). Robitnytsia i domashnia hospodynia, no 1, p. 8 [in Ukrainian].
30. Yak vyhotovyty maneken [How to make a tailor’s dummy] (1926). Robitnytsia i domashnia hospodynia, no 1, p. 8 [in Ukrainian].
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