Keywords: subject, object, phrase, valency, indirect object, direct object, transitive verbs, intransitive verbs


In this article, we have analyzed the different expression models of the object in the German language. The main theoretical issues of sentence constituents have remained a subject of discussion until now. One such issue is the determination of the object of the sentence and the means used to express it. We are already aware of the differences in grammatical categories in languages with different systems. In different grammatical sources, we witness various approaches to the grammatical subject. Sometimes, under this term, the subject is presented as the doer of the action or the one performing the attribute. Sometimes, under this term, the subject is presented as the doer of the action or the one performing the attribute. According to many linguists, the subject, called the nominative, indicates the active participant in the event. A more refined analytical method was needed for the identification of sentence constituents, as well as for the analysis of the syntactic semantics of words, their interrelations, and the meaning of the sentence. In this process, the theory of verb valency plays a foundational role, and determining the different meanings of valencies is one of the challenging issues in linguistics. This analysis is a classification of the lexical meaning of nouns and verbs.


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How to Cite
Elkhan, N. J. (2025). DIFFERENT GERMAN EXPRESSION MODELS OF THE OBJECT IN SPEECH. Scientific Journal of Polonia University, 67(6), 57-66. https://doi.org/10.23856/6708