In the context of the intensification of the educational process and the growing information load on students, the issue of preserving and strengthening their health, increasing their level of physical fitness and forming a sustainable motivation to engage in physical education is of particular importance. Implementation of a differentiated approach to physical education of students with different levels of physical fitness is an urgent task, the solution of which will help to increase the effectiveness of physical education in higher education institutions and improve the health of student youth. The article deals with theoretical aspects of a differentiated approach to physical education of students with different levels of physical fitness. The current state of the problem of physical education of student youth is analyzed and the necessity of introducing a differentiated approach as an effective means of individualizing the educational process is substantiated. The essence and principles of a differentiated approach are revealed, the main criteria for differentiating students by their level of physical fitness are determined. Particular attention is paid to the analysis of the peculiarities of physical education of student youth in modern conditions, the specifics of load dosage for different groups of students and the peculiarities of their motivation to engage in physical education. It has been established that the effectiveness of a differentiated approach is ensured by a comprehensive consideration of morphological and functional characteristics, level of physical fitness and motivational characteristics of students. The necessity of differentiating not only the quantitative parameters of the load, but also the qualitative characteristics of physical exercises is substantiated. The theoretical significance of the study is to systematize and generalize the scientific provisions on the implementation of a differentiated approach to physical education of students. The practical significance is determined by the possibility of using theoretical provisions for the development of methodological recommendations for the implementation of a differentiated approach to the practice of physical education in higher education institutions.
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