Keywords: digital technologies, social integration, general speech underdevelopment, correctional work


This article examines the application and impact of digital technologies on the social integration of children with general speech underdevelopment. The authors have conducted a comprehensive analysis of the current state of digital tools implementation in correctional work and identified the main challenges of this process. The research provides a structured classification of digital tools, which includes various systems: from communicative support to advanced solutions using artificial intelligence and virtual reality. The article highlights practical experience in implementing specialized software both in the Ukrainian context and international practice, focusing on the interaction between speech therapists and parents. The authors examine in detail the effectiveness of various digital tools regarding their impact on the development of communication skills and social adaptation of children. The study emphasizes the necessity of an individualized approach in implementing digital technologies, stressing the importance of combining traditional correctional methods with innovative digital solutions. The presented results demonstrate the significant potential of digital technologies in creating an effective inclusive educational environment and overcoming communication barriers. Prospective directions for future research are outlined, particularly studying the long-term impact of digital technologies on the socialization of children with special educational needs.


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How to Cite
Kurienkova, A., & Boiko, S. (2025). DIGITAL TOOLS FOR SOCIALIZATION OF CHILDREN WITH GENERAL SPEECH UNDERDEVELOPMENT. Scientific Journal of Polonia University, 67(6), 94-100.