Keywords: ceramic art, innovations, folk art, monumental ceramics, sculpture, artistic experiments, symbolism, technical innovations, Ukrainian culture, interpretation of traditions


The article is dedicated to the study of the creative work of Petro Pechornyi, one of the prominent figures in Ukrainian ceramic art of the 20th century. The author analyzes the historical context of the development of Ukrainian ceramics, particularly focusing on traditional forms and folk patterns, as well as the transformation of these traditions in the light of modernist explorations. Special attention is given to the characteristics of Pechornyi's artistic practice that combined innovative approaches to techniques and forms with a profound rethinking of national traditions. The key innovations introduced by the artist are examined, particularly in terms of composition, symbolism, and technical execution that allowed him to create a new artistic discourse in ceramics. The article also examines Petro Pechornyi's pedagogical activity, his contribution to the training of new generations of ceramic artists, as well as his teaching methodology that is based on combining practical skills with a deep theoretical understanding of traditional art. The role of Pechornyi as a mentor is emphasized, highlighting his influence on the development of his students' creative potential and his contribution to the promotion of Ukrainian ceramics in the contemporary artistic world. The article also assesses the impact of Pechornyi's creative work on the development of contemporary Ukrainian ceramics, as well as its place in the global artistic context, emphasizing the uniqueness of his approach. The aesthetic and cultural features of the artist's work are identified that contribute to its significance and relevance in the art of the 20th and 21st centuries.


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How to Cite
Poltavska, Y. (2025). THE ART OF PETRO PECHORNYI: A NEW PERSPECTIVE ON UKRAINIAN CERAMICS. Scientific Journal of Polonia University, 67(6), 125-135.