In the article, the author analyzes the definitions of “blended learning” and the role of digital technologies in its implementation. The author analyzes the experience of using blended learning in countries such as Canada, the Czech Republic and the Federal Republic of Germany, which demonstrate the effective implementation of digital platforms and technologies to improve the quality of the educational process. In particular, it focuses on the use of learning management systems (Moodle, MS Teams, Google Classroom), recording and distribution of video lectures, interactive simulations and forums to maintain communication between teachers and students. The study identifies key aspects that Ukrainian higher education institutions can adapt from international experience: a flexible combination of synchronous and asynchronous activities, providing technical support for teachers, creating centers of pedagogical excellence, as well as state support for the digitalization of education. The main challenges, such as the lack of a unified digitalization strategy, the need to develop infrastructure and prepare teachers for the effective use of digital technologies and innovations, are outlined. It has been determined that the application of innovative approaches to blended learning in Ukraine will improve the quality of educational services, ensure the flexibility of the educational process and promote the integration of national education into the world educational space.
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