Keywords: autobiography, collective memory, documentary, narrative, trauma, war


This article examines the representation of war trauma and personal narrative in Samar Yazbek’s 19 Women: Tales of Resilience from Syria, analyzing how the author combines documentary evidence with literary techniques to convey the experiences of Syrian women during the ongoing conflict. The study employs literary analysis through trauma theory and psychoanalytic approaches to investigate the narrative structure and psychological depth of women’s testimonies. The research reveals how Yazbek effectively balances authenticity and artistic expression by preserving individual voices while creating a cohesive narrative that contributes to collective memory formation. The analysis demonstrates that the author’s use of fragmentary narrative techniques, internal monologues, and powerful imagery reflects the psychological impact of war trauma on the protagonists. The study focuses on how the combination of autobiographical and documentary elements enhances the emotional resonance of the testimonies while maintaining their historical value. The research highlights the significance of women’s war narratives in understanding the broader social and psychological consequences of military conflicts, drawing parallels with contemporary events such as the Russian invasion of Ukraine. The article argues that Yazbek’s work serves as both a literary achievement and a crucial historical document, preserving individual experiences that might otherwise be marginalized in official historical accounts. The findings emphasize the importance of personal narratives in trauma literature and their role in shaping the collective memory of war experiences when literary texts serve as tools for resilience and historical documentation.


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How to Cite
Rybalkin, S. (2025). WAR TRAUMA AND PERSONAL NARRATIVE IN “19 WOMEN: TALES OF RESILIENCE FROM SYRIA”. Scientific Journal of Polonia University, 67(6), 158-165. https://doi.org/10.23856/6721