• Vira Trofimenko Bila Tserkva National Agrarian University
  • Vitaliy Kirichenko Bila Tserkva National Agrarian University
Keywords: health-saving technologies, physical education, higher education institutions, health-saving educational environment, integration, implementation mechanisms, organizational and pedagogical conditions


In today's conditions, the system of physical education in higher education institutions needs to be modernized in accordance with modern requirements and challenges. The article investigates the theoretical foundations of integrating health-saving technologies into the system of physical education in higher education institutions in accordance with modern challenges and needs of preserving the health of student youth. Based on a systematic analysis of scientific literature, the essence of health-saving technologies as a complex pedagogical process aimed at preserving and strengthening students' health is revealed. The main mechanisms for the implementation of health-saving technologies, which include five key vectors: professional orientation, theoretical and methodological training, practical competencies, emotional intelligence, and a system for monitoring and evaluating effectiveness, are identified and presented in the form of a structural diagram. Each of these areas is detailed through specific components that ensure the consistency and integrity of the implementation process. The peculiarities of creating a health-saving educational environment based on the principles of maintaining and promoting health are substantiated. The theoretical significance of the study is to expand scientific understanding of the mechanisms of integration of health-saving technologies, clarify the conceptual apparatus of the problem and substantiate the organizational and pedagogical conditions for their effective implementation. The practical significance is determined by the possibility of using the developed theoretical provisions to improve the system of physical education in higher education institutions.


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How to Cite
Trofimenko, V., & Kirichenko, V. (2025). INTEGRATION OF HEALTH-SAVING TECHNOLOGIES INTO THE SYSTEM OF PHYSICAL EDUCATION OF HIGHER EDUCATION INSTITUTIONS. Scientific Journal of Polonia University, 67(6), 166-172.