The concept of the phenomenology of the experience of values in the views of Max Scheler in its connection with the functioning of the worldview is investigated in the article. It is established that values are based on the phenomenology of the experience of values. On the basis of the phenomenological axiology of Max Scheler, it is shown that the phenomenology of the experience of values is a reliable criterion for structuring and constituting values in the worldview. The phenomenology of the experience of values is also the foundation of the involvement of objects in the system of worldview values and is the basis of structuring of values into spiritual and material types. A negative or positive attitude toward some object, granting it the status of value, or its denial happens through the phenomenology of the experience of values within a worldview. It is emphasized that the realization of objective values in the real world is possible through Apriori emotional intentions, which are phenomenological acts.
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