Keywords: regulatory documents, territorial integrity, consequences of the occupation policy, de-occupation, international cooperation


The purpose of the article is to analyze the legal mechanisms and international agreements regulating the issue of temporarily occupied territories in the context of modern international conflicts and the full-scale russian-Ukrainian war. The relevance of the study is due to the growing number of territorial disputes that violate the principles of international law, in particular, sovereignty, territorial integrity and human rights. National legal acts of Ukraine determining the status of temporarily occupied territories, as well as international documents, such as the Geneva Conventions, the Rome Statute and UN resolutions, are considered in the work. The role of international judicial bodies, in particular the European Court of Human Rights, in protecting the rights of injured citizens is analyzed. Special attention is paid to the mechanisms of sanctions and their impact on Russia as an aggressor state. The novelty of the research lies in a comprehensive approach to the study of the issue, in particular, in proposals for improving law enforcement practice. The results of the work are aimed at improving the effectiveness of international and national legal mechanisms, promoting the de-occupation of the Autonomous Republic of Crimea, Luhansk and Donetsk regions, and protecting the rights of the population in the occupied territories. Also, the article is part of the research topic «Consequences of the occupation policy in the activities of information institutions in the temporarily occupied territories».


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How to Cite
Dankevych, Y. (2025). LEGAL INSTRUMENTS AND GLOBAL AGREEMENTS CONCERNING TEMPORARILY OCCUPIED TERRITORIES. Scientific Journal of Polonia University, 67(6), 190-198.