The article is dedicated to analyzing the implementation of distance learning in higher education institutions in Ukraine, as well as the challenges and prospects associated with this process. It discusses the main distance learning platforms used in Ukrainian higher education institutions such as Moodle, Google Classroom, Microsoft Teams, Coursera, EdX, Prometheus, and the National Distance Learning Platform. Each of these platforms has its own features and advantages, ensuring accessibility and flexibility in education for students and educators. In addition to the advantages of distance learning, the article also focuses on cybersecurity issues, which are becoming increasingly relevant with the growth of online education. The main cybersecurity threats are analyzed, including software vulnerabilities, personal data protection, network security, and the low level of user awareness. Approaches to managing innovations for protection against cybercrime and stimulating investments in cybersecurity are discussed, highlighting their effects on educational institutions, the country, and society. The article highlights ways to enhance cybersecurity in HEIs, including implementing modern security technologies, developing strict data access policies, and increasing cyber literacy among students and faculty. The legislative framework of Ukraine regulating data and information protection is also discussed, with particular attention to the laws «On Personal Data Protection» and «On Information Protection in Information and Telecommunication Systems,» as well as recent changes in copyright legislation emphasizing the protection of intellectual property in the digital environment. The article concludes that distance learning in Ukraine has great potential but requires improvements in cybersecurity and updates to legislation for the digital age. The implementation of cybersecurity measures and the modernization of the regulatory framework will help create a safe and effective learning environment.
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