The article analyses parliamentarism as a key element of a democratic political system. The article examines its historical development, starting from ancient times, through the formation of parliamentary traditions in the UK, France, and other European countries, and to modern models of parliamentarism in the world. Particular attention is paid to the functioning of parliaments in different political systems, such as parliamentary republics, parliamentary-presidential models, and mixed forms of government. The paper examines the global experience that allows us to assess the effectiveness of parliamentary institutions in different cultural, social, and economic conditions. The article focuses on the current challenges facing parliamentarism, such as the rise of populism, distrust of political institutions, the impact of digital technologies and global issues, including climate change and pandemics. The authors analyze the causes of these challenges and suggest ways to overcome them. It is determined that the success of parliamentarism depends on the ability to adapt to new realities while preserving democratic principles, as well as on strengthening international cooperation and improving parliamentary oversight mechanisms.
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