Post-graduate medical education in Ukraine has seen many changes due to an ongoing war and perspective integration into the European medical space. These conditions demand the training of new surgeons, who can combine fundamental theoretical knowledge, mastery of modern innovative technologies, and high-quality surgical practice. One of the consequences of a full-scale Russian invasion is a steady decrease in the quantity of trained medical specialists, which can be explained by an external migration. That is why questions of post-graduate education of future doctors acquire state significance in Ukraine. The purpose of this paper is to analyze the state of postgraduate surgical education in Ukraine and explore the ways of enhancing it, by deepening the practical orientation and evaluating the experience of the world's leading systems of training medical specialists. The authors analyzed the system of post-graduate training in surgery, carried out a detailed description of the modern three-year internship, indicating the peculiarities of training at a specific surgical department. The transition to the European model of postgraduate education in surgery through internship and residency is seen as promising. This system is declared in the statute of postgraduate medical training in Ukraine, preference should be given to training in large scientific and practical centers, with the possibility of internship and practice in surgical centers abroad.
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