• Oksana Babelyuk Polonia University in Czestochowa
Keywords: translation strategy, translation procedure, postmodern literary text, culture strategy


The article focuses on the major notions of modern translation studies: translation process, translation strategy, translation procedure. Culture strategy due to its hybridity, special linguo-cultural layer, which reflects cultural identity of a multilingual author, is defined as the key point in translating a postmodern literary text. The theoretical assumptions are illustrated on the postcolonial novel “Midnight’s Children” by S. Rushdie.

Author Biography

Oksana Babelyuk, Polonia University in Czestochowa
Prof., DSc


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How to Cite
Babelyuk, O. (1). CULTURE STRATEGY IN TRANSLATING POSTMODERN LITERARY TEXT. Scientific Journal of Polonia University, 22(3), 23-26.