• Wladyslaw Majkowski Polonia University in Czestochowa
Keywords: choices, dilemmas, difficulty making decisions, emigration


In the dynamics of human life, the choices one makes, play an important role. Their number is proportional to the degree of freedom and opportunities that posess any particular person. Conversely, their range and number are diminishing with narrowing possibilities and degree of freedom. The essence of those choices is a sense of identity and the conviction that one is the architect of his own fate. At the same time making choices there is always the risk of making a mistake, do not make not olny the best, but even the wrong choice. In this case, the responsible of choice is generally the one who as a free entity that performs. Today's generation of young people is a major beneficiary of the developments on the forum of civil liberties and the opportunities that has created the modern civilization. However, this positive situation puts the unit to the dilemmas associated with the choices, for which responsibility can not be attributed to others. Category of people who need to make weighty choices are primarily young people. Their choices are relate to such areas as the choice of school, field of study, occupation, and above all, starting a family, being single or select the clerical state. Circumstance which makes these choices risky is the young age of these people and the consequent lack of experience.

Author Biography

Wladyslaw Majkowski, Polonia University in Czestochowa
Prof. PhD


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How to Cite
Majkowski, W. (2017). CONTEMPORARY LIFE DILEMMAS OF YOUNG POLES. Scientific Journal of Polonia University, 22(3), 50-59.