• Andrii Ramskyi Borys Grinchenko Kyiv University
  • Yurii Ramskyi National Pedagogical Dragomanov University
Keywords: knowledge, education, information, information society, technocratic thinking, knowledge society, knowledge economy


The article deals with the problems and trends of the development of education in the information society. The paradigms of educational process formed in accordance with man-centric trends in the development of modern society are discussed.

Author Biographies

Andrii Ramskyi, Borys Grinchenko Kyiv University
Professor DSc
Yurii Ramskyi, National Pedagogical Dragomanov University
Professor DSc


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How to Cite
Ramskyi, A., & Ramskyi, Y. (2017). PROBLEMS AND TENDENCIES OF DEVELOPMENT OF EDUCATION IN INFORMATION SOCIETY. Scientific Journal of Polonia University, 22(3), 89-95.