Competitiveness of the company, methods of competitiveness evaluation, competitive advantages, resources and capacities of the company, the value of the product
The modern tools for evaluating the competitiveness of the company based on the sources of sustainable competitive advantages have been grounded. If will allow implementing an integrated model of the assessment of the enterprise competitiveness at the operational, tactical and strategic level
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Radko, V. (2012). Evolution of Theoretical Concepts of Competitiveness and Sources of Acquiring Competitive Advantages by Enterprises. Business Economics: Theory and Practice, 405-416. [in Ukrainian].
Radko, V. (2012). Scientific genesis of the category of "competitive advantages" under the conditions of an emerging economy. Economy of the Crimea, No. 3 (40), 136 -140. [in Ukrainian].
Radko, V., Matsyura, S. (2013). Competitiveness of industrial clusters and its estimation. Innovative Development of the Republic of Moldova: National Tasks and World Trends: International scientific practice. Moldova: COMRAT, 288-294. [in English].
Stewart Bennet, G. (1991). The Quest For Value: the EVA Management Guide. New York: Harper Business. [in English].
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Xiang, G., Bo, W. (2010). Research on enterprise human resource competitiveness based on BP ANN. 3rd International Conference on Computer Science and Information Technology. doi:10.1109/iccsit.2010.5564907. [in English].
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How to Cite
Radko, V., Matsyura, S., Nikolaichuk, O., & Viskers, E. (2017). MODERN TOOLS FOR EVALUATING OF THE COMPANY COMPETITIVENESS RESOURCE BASED ADVANTAGES THEORY. Scientific Journal of Polonia University, 24(5), 76-81.