Keywords: norms of international standards, professional opinion


The integrated model of an enterprise’s accounting policy formation’s organization, which is subjected to the norms of the international standards, is offered in the article. The model foresees the organizational measures, dealing with the accounting policy formation, which are structured, according to the stages of the organization, the content of IFRS norms or their absence.  Thus, if the accounting rule: a) is defined in the corresponding IFRS, then its use is obligatory (if the influence of its use is insignificant, then this rule may not be used); b) is not defined by IFRS, then the accounting policy is defined by the managerial personnel, who use the opinion.

The accounting policy of an enterprise is presented as the resulting informational product, which is composed of the totality of an accountant’s professional opinions


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How to Cite
Kondratyuk, O., RudenkoО., & Volkova, J. (2017). ORGANIZATIONAL MODEL OF ACCOUNTING POLICY UNDER CONDITIONS OF IFRS USE. Scientific Journal of Polonia University, 24(5), 121-130.