investment activity, innovation, atmospheric emissions, ecological and economic model, social responsibility
The issues of successful investment activity and efficient allocation of capital investments at modern industrial enterprises taking into account their limited financial possibilities in conditions of uncertainty and economic instability are considered. The influence of investment policy on preservation of an environment as one of the ways for global world problem of a significant state of ecology deterioration decision is presented.
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Potrashkova, L. V. (2017). Economic entities’ decision modeling fundaments adjusted for values and norms of social responsibility. Marketing and Innovation Management, No. 4, 209-218. doi: 10.21272/mmi.2017.4-18. [in Ukrainian].
Sobakinskykh, R. Yu., Temchenko, O. A. (2017). Influence of investment processes on the ecological situation of the Kryvyi Rih region. Annual International Internet Conference of Students and Young Scientists "Strategy of Innovative Development of the Ukrainian Economy: Problems, Prospects, Efficiency "Forward-2017", No. 8, 125-127. [Electronic resource]. Retrieved from attachmentid=502&d=1514137283. [in Ukrainian].
Stefanovich, Ye. A. (2010). Investment activity as an economic phenomenon. Economy and the state, No. 11, 60-64. [in Ukrainian].
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How to Cite
Temchenko, H., Bondarchuk, O., Maksymova, O., & Sobakinskykh, R. (2018). ECOLOGICAL AND ECONOMIC ASSESSMENT OF INDUSTRIAL POLLUTION IN THE CONTEXT OF ORE MINING AND DRESSING ENTERPRISES INVESTMENT POLICY FORMATION. Scientific Journal of Polonia University, 26(1), 19-33.
Social Sciences