adaptation of legislation, integration, harmonization, European Union, Acquis Communautaire Partnership and Co-operation Agreement, Association Agreement.
The article is concerned with the problems of adaptation of Ukrainian legislation to the legislation of the EU member states as well as the modern problems on the way of harmonization of the national legislation in order to bring it in line with European legal norms and standards
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On the National Program of Adaptation of Legislation of Ukraine to the Legislation of the European Union: The Law of Ukraine, 18.03.2004, no. 1629-IV. [Electronic resource]. Retrieved from [in Ukrainian].
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The Concept of Adaptation of Ukrainian Legislation to EU legislation Resolution of the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine, 16.08.1999, no. 1496. [Electronic resource]. Retrieved from:п. [in Ukrainian].
Treaty establishing the European Atomic Energy Community. (1957). The International document. Rome. [Electronic resource]. Retrieved from: establishing_the_European_atomic_energy_community_rome_25_march_1957-en-a3390764-3e75-421b-9c85-f52de5a14c2f.html. [in English].
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Dehtiar, O. A. (2017). General theoretical problems of adaptation of the legal system of Ukraine to the legislation of the European Union. Adaptation of the legal system of Ukraine to the law of the European Union: theoretical and practical aspects. Materials of the Conference. Poltava, part 1, 27. [in Ukrainian].
EU-Ukraine Association Agreement. (2014). Association Agreement between the European Union and the European Atomic Energy Community and their member states, of the one part, and Ukraine, of the other part. Official Journal of the European Union. [Electronic resource]. Retrieved from [in English].
On Approval of the Action Plan for Implementation in 2013 of the National Program of Adaptation of Legislation of Ukraine to the Legislation of the European Union: The Decree of the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine, 25.03. 2013, no. 157-р. [Electronic resource]. Retrieved fromр. [in Ukrainian].
On Decision of the National Security and Defence Council of Ukraine of May 6, 2015. “On National Security Strategy of Ukraine”: The Decree of the President of Ukraine, no. 287/2015, 26.05. 2015. [Electronic resource]. Retrieved from laws/show/287/2015. [in Ukrainian].
On Invalidation of Some Decrees of the President of Ukraine: The Decree of the President of Ukraine, 07.07.2015, no. 398/2015. [Electronic resource]. Retrieved from http://zakon3.rada. [in Ukrainian].
On Ratification of the Association Agreement between the European Union, the European Atomic Energy Community and their member states and Ukraine: The Law of Ukraine, 16.09.2014, no. 1678-VII. [Electronic resource]. Retrieved from http://zakon3. [in Ukrainian].
On Strategy of Sustainable Development “Ukraine-2020”: The Decree of the President of Ukraine, 12.01.2015, no. 5/2015. [Electronic resource]. Retrieved from http://zakon2.rada. [in Ukrainian].
On the Decision of the National Security and Defence Council of Ukraine of March 6, 2015. “On the Strategy of the National Security of Ukraine”: The Decree of the President of Ukraine, 26.03.2015, no. 287/2015. [Electronic resource]. Retrieved from [in Ukrainian].
On the National Program of Adaptation of Legislation of Ukraine to the Legislation of the European Union: The Law of Ukraine, 18.03.2004, no. 1629-IV. [Electronic resource]. Retrieved from [in Ukrainian].
On the Principles of Internal and Foreign Policy of Ukraine: The Law of Ukraine, 01.07. 2010, no. 2411-17. [Electronic resource]. Retrieved from laws/show/2411-17. [in Ukrainian].
Parkhomenko, N. M. (2012). Harmonization of Ukraine’s Legislation with European and International Law: Methods, Steps, Types. Journal of the Kyiv University of Law, 1, 338. [in Ukrainian].
Partnership and co-operation agreement between the European communities and their member states, and Ukraine. (2018). Treaties Office Database of the European External Action Service. [Electronic resource]. Retrieved from agreements/prepareCreateTreaties Workspace/ [in English].
Prylypchuk, O. V. (2015). Problems of Adaptation of Ukrainian Legislation to EU Legislation. State Construction, 1. [Electronic resource]. Retrieved from: UJRN/DeBu_2015_1_28. [in Ukrainian].
The Concept of Adaptation of Ukrainian Legislation to EU legislation Resolution of the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine, 16.08.1999, no. 1496. [Electronic resource]. Retrieved from:п. [in Ukrainian].
Treaty establishing the European Atomic Energy Community. (1957). The International document. Rome. [Electronic resource]. Retrieved from: establishing_the_European_atomic_energy_community_rome_25_march_1957-en-a3390764-3e75-421b-9c85-f52de5a14c2f.html. [in English].
Treaty establishing the European Coal and Steel Community (1951). The International document. Paris. [Electronic resource]. Retrieved from content/publication/1997/10/13/11a21305-941e-49d7-a171-d5be548cd58/publishable_en.pdf. [in English].
Treaty establishing the European Economic Community (1957). The International document. Rome. [Electronic resource]. Retrieved from _establishing_the_european_economic_community_rome_25_march_1957-en-cca6ba28-0bf3-4ce6-8a76-6b0b3252696e.html. [in English].
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How to Cite
Yamkovyi, V., & Stets, O. (2018). PROBLEMS OF ADAPTATION OF UKRAINIAN LEGISLATION TO EU LEGISLATION. Scientific Journal of Polonia University, 27(2), 37-43.
Social Sciences