cost efficiency, trans-logarithmic function, profit efficiency, intermediation approach, production approach, Stochastic Frontier Analysis.
The authors have developed a model for assessing the Ukrainian banks cost efficiency by means of Stochastic Frontier Analysis, in which the banks are considered as financial intermediaries. On the basis of the likelihood ratio test results the trans-logarithmic function steps forward in the role of the bank’s cost function. In the role of input variables we used the value of fixed assets, the price of labor and price of loanable fund, in the role of output − total loans, other assets and total cost.
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Kyshakevych, B. Y., & Mazharov, D. V. (2017). Application of SFA simulation to assess the effectiveness of banking. Eastern Europe: economy, business and management, 6 (11), 386-390. [in Ukrainian].
Kyshakevych, B. Y., Kubai, R. Y., & Mazharov, D. V. (2016). Effectiveness of banks: the economic essence and methods of evaluation. Scientific Herald of the International Humanitarian University, Series: Economics and Management. Collection of scientific works, 22, 200-204. [in Ukrainian].
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Pilyavskyy, A., Matsiv, Y., & Vovchak, O. (2012). Cost efficiency of ukrainian banks. Does it make difference? Zeszyty Naukowe Wydziału Informatycznych Technik Zarządzania Wyższej Szkoły Informatyki Stosowanej i Zarządzania „Współczesne Problemy Zarządzania”, 1, 53-61. [in English].
Prykarpatskyi, A. K., Kyshakevych, B. Y., & Tverdokhlib, I. P. (2009). The analysis of optimal strategies of the portfolio competitive model of the stock market. Reports of the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine, 1, 40-47. [in Ukrainian].
Resti, A. (1997). Evaluating the Cost Efficiency of the Italian Banking System: What can be learned from the Joint Application of Parametric and NonparametricTechniques. Journal of Banking & Finance, 21, 221–250. [in English].
Sana, K., Bilal, M., & Nisar, A. (2015). Cost Efficiency of Pakistani Banking Sector: A Stochastic Frontier Analysis. Journal of Commerce (22206043), Vol. 7, Issue 3, 110-126. [in English].
Sherman, H. D., & Gold, F. (1985). Bank branch operating efficiency: Evaluation with Data Envelopment Analysis. J Bank. Finan, 9(2), 297-315. [in English].
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How to Cite
Kyshakevych, B., & Mazharov, D. (2018). A STOCHASTIC FRONTIER ANALYSIS OF UKRAINIAN BANKS EFFICIENCY. Scientific Journal of Polonia University, 31(6), 27-40. https://doi.org/10.23856/3103
Social Sciences