Cossachchyna, Cossack folk-lore as a system of the reality’s creative reflection, the above part of the Dnieper region (Naddniepryanshyna).
The archeological, geopolitical, social-psychological and cultural factors of the Cossachchyna generation, having become the historically basic preconditions of the Cossack folk-lore’s appearance as a definite complete system of the creative reflection of the reality, genetically connected with the ethnographical territory of the above part of the Dnieper region (Naddniepryanshyna), are examined in the article.
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How to Cite
Goncharenko, O. (2018). HISTORICAL AND CULTURAL ORIGINS OF THE COSSACK FOLKLORE OF THE DNIEPER REGION. Scientific Journal of Polonia University, 31(6), 109-115. https://doi.org/10.23856/3110