Keywords: bachelors training, vocational education, computer technologies, future vocational teachers, IT specialists.


The present multi-aspect research into training future vocational teachers of the first (bachelor) cycle of higher education and the increased status of forming a creative mobile specialist on the labour market is focused on regulatory content aspects to ensure high-quality vocational training at Ukraine’s universities. The number of licensed, state-ordered and enrolled students specializing in vocational education (Speciality 015) for the last three years is compared. The research reveals the essence of integrated vocational and pedagogical training of students pursuing a bachelor’s degree in Speciality 015 “Vocational Education (Computer Technologies)”.

The educational programme of training contains 240 credits. There are described specialized laboratories for training students pursuing a bachelor’s degree in Speciality 015 “Vocational Education (Computer Technologies)” at Kryvyi Rih National University. There are provided programme results of training students pursuing a bachelor’s degree in Speciality 015 “Vocational Education (Computer Technologies)” and relevant competences. To diagnose maturity levels of each competence (low, medium, high) of future teachers of vocational training (IT specialists), cognitive, operation-technological, axiological and motivational criteria are determined. Special attention is paid to a number of topical problems of updating the content of specialists’ training in the field under study.


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How to Cite
Tkachuk, V., Sulyma, T., Tarasova, O., & Khotskina, S. (2019). ASPECTS OF TRAINING BACHELORS IN VOCATIONAL EDUCATION (COMPUTER TECHNOLOGIES). Scientific Journal of Polonia University, 32(1), 90-98.