Keywords: artistic world, narrative strategy, reception, interpretation, cognitive perspective.


The article presents the study of some aspects in the specificity of the dialogue between the artistic text and the consciousness of the addressee. This issue is quite actively discussed in the modern literary criticism – both in theoretical approaches to analysis and in applied poetics studies. To a large extent, the methodological and terminological apparatus for examining the cognitive specificity of literature has been formed in classical narratological studies and refined in the latest developments. The article focuses on clarifying the essence of the reader as an important element of representing the consciousness, present in the artistic narrative. The specificity of the reader's presence is determined not only by its mediation status, but also by active participation in the creation and coexistence of several worlds: the intentional modus, its fiction embodiment, as well as the individual personal experience of their synthesis. Possible forms of the addressee’s presence in the space of the literary world are modelled in accordance with narrative coordinates. The specificity of each form of reader’s presence is determined by the conventional status, the narrative contour of the text, the objective intentional premises, as well as the ways of permeating into the artistic world, the ways of discovering the meaning, due to which the reading takes place as a holistic phenomenon. From the standpoint of cognitive narratology, every reader's projection has its own peculiarities that influence its place in the process of literary communication. It has been shown that the receptive significance of the literary work consists in the possibility of multiplying the meanings, implementation of the harmonious reader's understanding, corresponding to the original sense. With the increase of interval between the author and the reader, the content of the work is proportionally schematized, and with refinement of the scheme, every single interpretation acquires reliability.


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How to Cite
Matsevko-Bekerska, L. (2019). THE TEXT – THE READER – THE LITERARY WRITING: A COGNITIVE AND NARRATOLOGICAL PARADIGM. Scientific Journal of Polonia University, 34(3), 36-46.