Lviv region, one of the most urbanized and industrialized regions of Western Ukraine, faces environmental problems, including pollution of surface waters. The study was aimed to investigate the levels of heavy metals (Cd, Co, Cr, Cu, Fe, Mn, Ni, Pb and Zn) in the waters of three tributaries of the Western Bug River (Poltva, Rata and Kamyanka), as well as in the Dniester River and its two tributaries (the Zubra and Vivnya rivers) within the Lviv region. The results show that the degree of contamination of the Western Bug tributaries with heavy metals is considerably higher at the mouths of the rivers compared to river sources. In particular, metal concentrations at the mouth of the Rata River were 1.23–3.98 times higher than at its source, while water samples at the mouth of the Kamianka River were characterized by higher levels of Fe, Mn, Zn and Cd (2, 12–6.55 times) compared with the source of the river. Concentrations of several heavy metals, especially Fe, exceeded the maximum allowable levels in the waters of the analyzed rivers. Results of the study suggest a significant anthropogenic load in the catchment areas of the analyzed rivers within the Lviv region.
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