It is important to run a family therapy alongside treatment of a patient with depression. The patient's family commits quite a frequent mistake of treating depression complaints as a manifestation of laziness, fatigue and ill will. There are two stages in education. In the first one, the essence of depression to the patient and his family is explained. The second stage of education is to draw attention to the mental and social sphere of the patient. This stage consists of two phases: psychological and social. Therapeutic communication is a specific form of communication. Help is directed to people who cannot make order in their own emotions, thoughts and perceive correctly the surrounding reality. The purpose of communication is also to facilitate the patient's expression of emotions. Therefore, therapeutic communication of a healing nature is the basis for helping mentally ill patients. Suicide is usually committed on impulse in the first, acute phase of depression or after entering the latent phase. Suicide is now considered a multidimensional phenomenon, resulting from the complex interaction of biological, psychological, sociological and environmental factors. The psychological state of people with suicidal tendencies is characterized by three characteristics: ambivalence, impulsiveness, stiffness. Suicide in children and adolescents is of the utmost importance
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